Showing 1–15 of 41 results

  • Koehler – Advantec All-Glass Filtration Assemblies

    All-glass assemblies are ideal for biodiesel testing, aggressive solvents, and applications where you need to minimize the materials that contact sample or filtrate. Filter holder mounts on filtration flask using a ground glass joint; order standa...

    All-glass assemblies are ideal for biodiesel testing, aggressive solvents, and applications where you need to minimize the materials that contact sample or filtrate. Filter holder mounts on filtration flask using a ground glass joint; order standard 47-mm filter paper separately below. Outlet of support base drip tube is positioned below the side arm connection to prevent sample aspiration into vacuum line. What’s included: funnel, support base, receiving flask, and clamp.

  • Koehler – Air Jet Erosion Tester

    For determining the material loss by gas-entrained solid particle impingement erosion with jetnozzle type erosion equipment. It can be used in the laboratory to measure the solid particle erosion of different materials and has been used as a scree...

    For determining the material loss by gas-entrained solid particle impingement erosion with jetnozzle type erosion equipment. It can be used in the laboratory to measure the solid particle erosion of different materials and has been used as a screening test for ranking solid particle erosion rates of materials in simulated service environments

  • Koehler – Aquamax Total Acid Number (TAN) Titrator

    The Aquamax TAN titrator is easy to operate: simply calibrate, run a blank, select the correct preprogrammed TAN analysis, and the titrator performs the analysis. Intuitive function guide display walks you through operation. Results are displayed ...

    The Aquamax TAN titrator is easy to operate: simply calibrate, run a blank, select the correct preprogrammed TAN analysis, and the titrator performs the analysis. Intuitive function guide display walks you through operation. Results are displayed on screen in units of KOH/g and are also stored via internal data logger. Flexible data management options allow for export of readings to a PC or printer. TiCOM software (order separately below) allows viewing and printing of sample input, blank, and titration measurement data. Optional thermal printer accessory allows for the printing of results data. Order separately below.

  • Koehler – Benchtop EDXRF Elemental Analyzer

    The Koehler Benchtop EDXRF Elemental Analyzer can be used to determine the amount of sulfur in petroleum and petroleum products that are single-phase. This product may be used to determine the amount of lead in gasoline as well.

    The Koehler Benchtop EDXRF Elemental Analyzer can be used to determine the amount of sulfur in petroleum and petroleum products that are single-phase. This product may be used to determine the amount of lead in gasoline as well.

  • Koehler – Constant-Temperature Viscosity Bath

    Baths feature PID microprocessor controller to deliver precise temperature control, with ASTM specified tolerances throughout the operating temperature range. Dual digital displays show set point time and actual temperature. Tim...

    Baths feature PID microprocessor controller to deliver precise temperature control, with ASTM specified tolerances throughout the operating temperature range. Dual digital displays show set point time and actual temperature. Timers display in 0.01-second resolution and have ±0.01% accuracy. Models with RS-232 port also allow you to enter the viscosity constant of each viscometer on the controller panel. Controller automatically displays test results in efflux time and viscosity units when timers stop. Controller automatically shuts off power when there is an overtemperature condition or if the primary probe is disconnected.

    The integrated low-level sensor interrupts operations if the bath liquid does not fill to the proper level, and shuts off power if the liquid falls below the level. Bath chamber is a clear Pyrex® tank enclosed in a polyester-epoxy finished steel housing. Top plate holds the viscometers and is made of stainless steel for easy cleaning. Front viewing window reduces distortion. Glare-free fluorescent lights in the bath and a background baffle enhance the view of the viscometers. Baths rest on adjustable leveling feet.

  • Koehler – Corrosion Tester – Accelerated Iron Corrosion Tester

    Accelerated Laboratory and Field Procedure for the determination of corrosion of iron, in the presence of water, on samples such as gasoline and gasoline blended with 10% ethanol, E10 (Specification D4814); gasolineblend components (except butane)...

    Accelerated Laboratory and Field Procedure for the determination of corrosion of iron, in the presence of water, on samples such as gasoline and gasoline blended with 10% ethanol, E10 (Specification D4814); gasolineblend components (except butane); diesel fuel and biodiesel B5, except Grade No. 4-D (Specification D975); biodiesel B6 to B20 (Specification D7467); diesel-blend component such as light cycle-oil; No.1 fuel oil, No.2 fuel oil (Specification D396); aviation turbine fuel (Specification D1655).

  • Koehler – Corrosion Tester – Copper Strip Corrosion Tester

    The Copper Strip Tarnish Test assesses the relative degree of corrosivity of petroleum products, including aviation fuels, automotive gasoline, natural gasoline, solvents, kerosene, diesel fuel, distillate fuel oil, lubricating oil and other produ...

    The Copper Strip Tarnish Test assesses the relative degree of corrosivity of petroleum products, including aviation fuels, automotive gasoline, natural gasoline, solvents, kerosene, diesel fuel, distillate fuel oil, lubricating oil and other products. A polished copper strip is immersed in 30mL of sample at elevated temperature. After the test period, the strip is examined for evidence of corrosion and a classification number from 1-4 is assigned based on a comparison with the ASTM Copper Strip Corrosion Standards. For aviation fuels and natural gasoline the sample tube is placed inside a stainless steel pressure vessel during testing.

  • Koehler – Corrosion Tester – Dual Corrosion Tester

    Consists of two heat-transfer corrosion cells with temperature and pressure controls for evaluating engine coolant samples in accordance with ASTM D4340. Maintains aluminum alloy specimens at constant temperature in the presence of 500 mL samples....

    Consists of two heat-transfer corrosion cells with temperature and pressure controls for evaluating engine coolant samples in accordance with ASTM D4340. Maintains aluminum alloy specimens at constant temperature in the presence of 500 mL samples. Each corrosion cell includes a borosilicate glass test cell, heat transfer bar, aluminum test specimen with thermocouple port, Type J thermocouple, 950W band heater, pressure gauge, pressure relief valve, stainless steel end plates with support rods, fill plug and o-rings, and acrylic safety shields. Digital temperature controllers maintain specimens at temperatures of up to 210 ± 1°C throughout the test period. Test cells are mounted on a finished steel base. Controls are housed in a separate finished steel cabinet.

    Provides a laboratory screening procedure for evaluating the corrosion preventing capabilities of engine coolants under heat transfer conditions that may be encountered in aluminum cylinder head engines. Corrosion preventing effectiveness is determined by the change in weight of an aluminum alloy test specimen after an extended period at elevated temperature in the presence of a coolant sample.

  • Koehler – Corrosion Tester – Lead Corrosion Apparatus


    Constant temperature apparatus rotates copper and lead test panels in lubricant samples to determine corrosiveness to lead per FTM specifications. Panels are rotated at 600rpm in samples maintained at 163°C (325°F) and aerated at 0.94L/min. (2.0 Cu. ft./hr.). Test panel shafts ride on ball bearing spindles driven by a 1⁄15hp motor. A counterbalanced support bar positions the drive shaft for testing or for mounting and removal of test panels. When the support bar is raised, a safety microswitch automatically stops the drive motor to prevent splashing of hot oil. Fully insulated bath features double-wall stainless steel construction, with a built-in support rack to suspend test cells vertically at the proper depth. Microprocessor PID control provides quick temperature stabilization without overshoot, and the bath is protected by an overtemperature control circuit that interrupts power should bath temperature exceed a programmed cut-off point. Dual LED displays provide actual and setpoint temperature values in °C/°F format. Communications software (RS232, etc.), ramp-to-set and other enhanced features are available as extra cost options. Contact your Koehler representative for information. A 1⁄20hp stirrer thoroughly circulates the bath medium for temperature uniformity. Redundant overtemperature protection is provided by a built-in backup thermostat. Flowmeters and valves mounted on a convenient manifold provide individual air flow control for each test cell.

  • Koehler – Corrosion Tester – Silver Corrosion Test Apparatus

    Fully insulated, thermostatically controlled water bath with constant water level device. Use together with K25370 Bath Conversion Kit to immerse six 350mL test tubes for silver strip corrosion tests. Stainless steel inner wall and powder coated s...

    Fully insulated, thermostatically controlled water bath with constant water level device. Use together with K25370 Bath Conversion Kit to immerse six 350mL test tubes for silver strip corrosion tests. Stainless steel inner wall and powder coated steel outer wall construction.

  • Koehler – Distillation System – Automatic Distillation Analyzer

    Two Models are Available – The Automatic Distillation Analyzer 5000 Series may be ordered for operation with an external PC (purchased separately) or may be ordered with a built-in PC, internal touch screen monitor, virtual keyboard and mous...

    Two Models are Available – The Automatic Distillation Analyzer 5000 Series may be ordered for operation with an external PC (purchased separately) or may be ordered with a built-in PC, internal touch screen monitor, virtual keyboard and mouse. An easy-to-use Windows®-based PC communication software expands user capabilities for data analysis and unit control. Distillation methods and parameters can be easily created or modified. Software calculates repeatability and reproducibility as per ASTM D86 as well as standard and deviation against reference materials. Test results are displayed in real-time and can include distillation curve and temperature with or without barometric compensation and/or evaporation correction, distillation rate, heating power curve, master curve comparison, and zoom function for high resolution of heating and temperature curves. The heater compartment is rapidly cooled at the completion of a distillation run to reduce operator downtime. The analyzers are of rugged construction for instrument longevity with a modular design for easy routine maintenance.

  • Koehler – Flash Point Tester – Automatic Abel Flash Point Tester

    The Automatic Abel Flash Point Tester is used primarily to test flammable and combustible materials for shipping and safety regulations. The flash tester provides an increased temperature range of operation as compared with other testers, allowing...

    The Automatic Abel Flash Point Tester is used primarily to test flammable and combustible materials for shipping and safety regulations. The flash tester provides an increased temperature range of operation as compared with other testers, allowing greater flexibility in testing samples according to the Abel test method. The unit provides a test range to 110°C and can be extended to –30°C by any appropriate external chiller. The flash point tests are simply conducted by mounting the flash cup filled with sample into the test position and selecting a pre- or user-programmed test method. Automation routines provide accurate test results. A quick search method is available to determine the flash point of unknown samples. The dual detection system (thermal and ionization) allows for testing all types of products. Ignition by gas flame or electrical ignitor is included, along with safety cut-off devices. Test results are automatically corrected to standard pressure (101.3 kPa). The system is equipped with a differential Pt-100 RTD probe designed to duplicate the response time of a mercury-in-glass thermometer and with multiple sensors that continually monitor instrument function, displaying an error message if a problem is detected. Supervision software is included.

  • Koehler – Flash Point Tester – Automatic Pensky Martens Flash Point Analyzer

    Koehler Automated Flash Point Analyzers represent a perfect union of next-generation technology with traditional robust quality. The system software runs on an integrated processor PC running the latest Windows operating system. The 8.4” touch s...

    Koehler Automated Flash Point Analyzers represent a perfect union of next-generation technology with traditional robust quality. The system software runs on an integrated processor PC running the latest Windows operating system. The 8.4” touch screen interface fully displays all operator parameters and results on a single screen. A three (3) position mechanical lift system for the cover and motor assembly is fully automated and software selectable: Open – Clean – Test for one touch positioning of the test cup. Comes standard with two flash detector systems including a thermocouple and ionization ring detection. Over 65,000 results of data can be stored on the local hard drive. Integrated Dual Fan System directly cools the test cup and the environment around test cup. Unlimited number of user programs including a quick test that safely tests from ambient, puts the flash point result into the EFP of the official run, and prompts user to refresh the sample, virtually assuring no fires ever occur. In addition, the instrument comes standard with an inert gas fire suppression system

  • Koehler – Flash Point Tester – Automatic Tag Closed Cup Flash Point Tester

    The Automated Tag Closed Cup flash point tester ensures the accuracy and precision required according to the ASTM D56 and related test methods. The test sample is heated at a prescribed rate of temperature increase throughout the standard temperat...

    The Automated Tag Closed Cup flash point tester ensures the accuracy and precision required according to the ASTM D56 and related test methods. The test sample is heated at a prescribed rate of temperature increase throughout the standard temperature test range to 100°C. The flash point tests are simply conducted by mounting the flash cup filled with sample into the test position and selecting a pre-programmed test method or the search mode to determine an approximate flash point. The automation routines provide accurate test results. Ignition by gas flame or electrical ignitor is included, along with safety cut-off devices. The measurement range can be extended to –30°C by any appropriate external chiller. Supervision software is included.

  • Koehler – Flash Point Tester – Rapid Flash Point Tester

    Rapid Tester® provides rapid determinations of flash point or sustained burning qualities by using a small sample. A flash/no flash test result is achieved in one minute for flash points below 212°F (100°C) with a 2mL sample. Ideally suited for...

    Rapid Tester® provides rapid determinations of flash point or sustained burning qualities by using a small sample. A flash/no flash test result is achieved in one minute for flash points below 212°F (100°C) with a 2mL sample. Ideally suited for quality assurance and environmental compliance testing as well as actual flash point for paints, fragrances, hydrocarbons and other liquids. Open cup models are used for determining sustained burning qualities characteristics of mixtures of flammable and nonflammable liquids or liquids with widely different flash points when assessing flammability characteristics. Features convenient semi-automatic operation for flash/no flash tests. Set the test temperature on the digital display and inject a 2mL or 4mL sample into the sample cup. The tester quickly stabilizes itself at the desired value, permitting the test flame to be applied and the result to be observed by the operator. Unit also performs conventional determinations of actual flash temperature by the small scale closed tester method. The Closed Cup Model is for routine flash point tests in the range from –30 to +300°C (–22 to +572°F).