Koehler – Flash Point Tester – Automatic Tag Closed Cup Flash Point Tester
The Automated Tag Closed Cup flash point tester ensures the accuracy and precision required according to the ASTM D56 and related test methods. The test sample is heated at a prescribed rate of temperature increase throughout the standard temperature test range to 100°C. The flash point tests are simply conducted by mounting the flash cup filled with sample into the test position and selecting a pre-programmed test method or the search mode to determine an approximate flash point. The automation routines provide accurate test results. Ignition by gas flame or electrical ignitor is included, along with safety cut-off devices. The measurement range can be extended to –30°C by any appropriate external chiller. Supervision software is included.
Available Models
Key Industries
- Chemical
- Education & Academics
- Environmental
- Oil & Gas
Providing quality testing instrumentation and technical support services for research and testing laboratories has been our specialty since 1925. Meeting your testing needs is the primary focus of our business, which is why Koehler Instrument Company is a leading producer and supplier of petroleum, synfuels and petrochemical instrumentation worldwide. At Koehler, we pride ourselves in innovation. In a time of continuous technological advancement and transition we are constantly implementing new and improved ways to surpass the needs of an ever-evolving industry. Koehler products are backed by our staff of technically knowledgeable, trained specialists who are experienced in both petroleum products testing and instrument service, which is carried out either on site or at a Koehler service center.