Showing 541–551 of 551 results

  • Surface Measurement Systems – DVS Carbon

    The latest addition to the DVS family, DVS Carbon, is the first purpose-built gravimetric sorption analyzer for advanced carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) applications. In most gas phase carbon capture applications...

    The latest addition to the DVS family, DVS Carbon, is the first purpose-built gravimetric sorption analyzer for advanced carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) applications. In most gas phase carbon capture applications, CO2 often competes with other chemical species at adsorbent sites, including water vapor. The new DVS Carbon enables the measurement of CO2 uptake in real life conditions, controlling both temperature and humidity at a broad range of CO2 concentrations.

    With the patented Surface Measurement Systems Ultrabalance measuring real-time mass changes caused by sorption and desorption in the sample, complex carbon capture conditions can be assessed in a range of materials. In addition, the system can be configured to enable a range of different capabilities.

  • Surface Measurement Systems – DVS Endeavour

    Offering the highest throughput of our entire DVS range, the DVS Endeavour precisely controls and measures temperature and relative humidity while simultaneously recording the highest resolution changes in mass on up to 5 sample...

    Offering the highest throughput of our entire DVS range, the DVS Endeavour precisely controls and measures temperature and relative humidity while simultaneously recording the highest resolution changes in mass on up to 5 samples simultaneously.

    Combined with a range of modular accessories, the DVS Endeavour is one of the most versatile DVS instruments on the market.

  • Surface Measurement Systems – DVS Resolution

    The world’s most advanced DVS Instrument, the DVS Resolution is a dual vapor gravimetric analyzer that brings unparalleled capabilities and precisions to the study of complex sorption behaviors.

    The i...

    The world’s most advanced DVS Instrument, the DVS Resolution is a dual vapor gravimetric analyzer that brings unparalleled capabilities and precisions to the study of complex sorption behaviors.

    The instrument has the combined ability to precisely control and measure temperature and relative humidity while recording the highest resolution changes in mass.

  • Surface Measurement Systems – Dynamic Vapor Sorption Instruments

    Dynamic vapor sorption is a valued tool in laboratories all over the world, within R & D, from polymorphism and compound stabilit...

    Dynamic vapor sorption is a valued tool in laboratories all over the world, within R & D, from polymorphism and compound stability studies to bulk and surface adsorption effects of water and organic vapours. It is a vital part of quality control analysis techniques for both scale-up and production, and can even be found within the packaging arena, measuring both the efficacy and permeability of packaging, and the effects of humidity and temperature on the samples within the packaging.


  • Surface Measurement Systems – Inverse Gas Chromatography – Surface Energy Analyzer (iGC-SEA)

    The iGC-SEA continues Surface Measurement Systems’ pioneering history with inverse gas chromatography (iGC), which now spans more than fifteen years.

    The iGC-SEA is a second generation iGC instrument....

    The iGC-SEA continues Surface Measurement Systems’ pioneering history with inverse gas chromatography (iGC), which now spans more than fifteen years.

    The iGC-SEA is a second generation iGC instrument. It is the world’s only commercial instrument based on the iGC principle. The unique SMS injection scheme provides a wide range of injection concentrations with unrivalled accuracy and reproducibility.

    How Does the iGC-SEA Work?

    The iGC-SEA is based on Inverse Gas Chromatography (iGC) methodology and is a gas phase technique for characterising surface and bulk properties of solid materials. The principles of IGC are very simple, being the reverse of a conventional gas chromatographic (GC) experiment.A cylindrical column is uniformly packed with the solid material of interest, typically a powder, fibre or film. A pulse of constant concentration of gas is then injected down the column at a fixed carrier gas flow rate, and the time taken for the pulse or concentration front to elute down the column is measured by a detector. A series of iGC measurements with different gas phase probe molecules then allows access to a wide range of phyisco-chemical properties of the solid sample.

    The injected gas molecules passing over the material adsorb on the surface with a partition coefficient KS:

    Ks = Vn / Ws

    Where VN is the net retention volume – the volume of carrier gas required to elute the injection through the column, and WS is the mass of the sample. VN is a measure of how strongly the probe gas interacts with the solid sample and is the fundamental data obtained from an IGC experiment; from it a wide range of surface and bulk properties can be calculated.

  • Systech Illinois – O2 analyzer – OxySense 325i

    This base oxygen analyzer is used in conjunction with a computer interface and will perform most of the functions of the 5250i including non-invasive headspace analysis for packages, bottles and blister packs using the O2xyDot Sensor; package mate...

    This base oxygen analyzer is used in conjunction with a computer interface and will perform most of the functions of the 5250i including non-invasive headspace analysis for packages, bottles and blister packs using the O2xyDot Sensor; package material and design evaluation; closure design and evaluation; MAP production start up monitoring; research and development; QC and assurance, as well as product oxidation studies.

    The OxySense 325i is particularly ideal for smaller laboratories and companies considering bringing their oxygen testing requirements in-house for the first time and companies looking for a low-cost solution. With the new EasAlign Pen with integrated capture switch for a simple, one click, oxygen measurement. Multiple measurements can be provided over time on the same package offering accurate analysis through real time, real world measurements. Due to the measurement process used, the risk of sample contamination or leaks is eliminated.

  • Systech Illinois – O2 analyzer – OxySense 5250i

    The OxySense 5250i is the o2 analyzers instrument of choice for laboratories and individuals who need to test or evaluate packaging materials through a variety of studies. These studies include: non-invasive headspace analysis for packages, bottle...

    The OxySense 5250i is the o2 analyzers instrument of choice for laboratories and individuals who need to test or evaluate packaging materials through a variety of studies. These studies include: non-invasive headspace analysis for packages, bottles and blister packs using the O2xyDot Sensor; package material and design evaluation; closure design and evaluation; MAP production start up monitoring; research and development; QC and assurance, as well as product oxidation studies.

    For non-invasive measurements, oxygen concentration can be determined by placing the O2xyDot Sensor in the package or container prior to filling and sealing. Multiple measurements can be provided over time on the same package offering accurate analysis through real time, real world measurements. Due to the measurement process used, the risk of sample contamination or leaks is eliminated.

    This versatile instrument also has the capability to perform permeability analysis (OTR) on film, bottles and packages*.

  • Systech Illinois – O2 CO2 Tester, the headspace gas analyzer – Gaspace Advance

    This carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) headspace analyzer provides consistently reliable results and simplicity in operation allowing you to maximise your production efficiency. Its large buttons and clear display ensures te...

    This carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) headspace analyzer provides consistently reliable results and simplicity in operation allowing you to maximise your production efficiency. Its large buttons and clear display ensures testing is simple, errors are eliminated and no special operator training is required.

    Numerous packs can be tested quickly with just one button press, saving time and making Quality Assurance more efficient. These MAP analyzers can test all pack sizes and very low volumes.

    Rigid cans and jars can also be tested using the simple-to-use can piercing station which supports the cans and jars for accurate analysis using a standard needle probe. A 45° Adaptor is also available to aid measurement of small volumes of headspace.

    There are a variety of ways to perform analysis; Timed Tests, AutoSense, Peak/Valley, Syringe Direct Injection or Continuous Testing. Fast configuration and selection provides the test method which is best for you. Easy to see Pass and Fail messages speeds up the analysis process and removes any uncertainty with interpreting measurements.

    The Gaspace Data Manager software allows you to download results stored on your gas analyzer and upload new settings. You can also search through your stored data by time, date, user, production line or any of the product information.

  • Systech Illinois – Package Testers – TME BT Integra-Pack™

    The TME BT Integra-Pack© is a bench-top, highresolution (0.001 psig) test instrument with a small footprint and user-friendly ease of operation. Electronic pressure and flow controls provide precise and repeatable test conditio...

    The TME BT Integra-Pack© is a bench-top, highresolution (0.001 psig) test instrument with a small footprint and user-friendly ease of operation. Electronic pressure and flow controls provide precise and repeatable test conditions, while automatic and high flow output allow testing of large porous packages. Applications cover a range of flexible or rigid, porous and non-porous, open or sealed packages.

    Automatic or Manual Parameter Definition 

    The intelligent BT Integra-Pack will test any package in automatic mode, with no need to input test parameters. However, its sophisticated nature is combined with a manual mode that lets the user input parameters such as ramp rate control and back pressure drop sensitivity. This allows testing of special configurations or types of packages or perform specific research and datagathering activities.

    Icon-based, Touch-Driven Color Display

    The touchscreen color display provides easy, clear navigation through the wide variety of data handling and review screens. Clearly defined icons make it easy to choose test modes, move from automatic to manual test settings, view test results in numeric and/or graphical format, and securely handle accumulated data.

  • TME – Package Testers – the smart BT Integra-Pack

    This completely integrated process control tool offers accurate package test results which can be transmitted directly to your quality control department. Its objective is to validate a package ensuring that it matches the high standard of the product enclosed.

    The BT Integra-Pack© is a high-resolution (0.001 psig), bench-top test instrument with a small footprint and user-friendly ease of operation. Electronic pressure and flow controls provide precise and repeatable test conditions while automatic and high flow output allow testing of large porous packages. Applications cover a range of flexible or rigid, porous and non-porous, open or sealed packages.

    This intelligent instrument can test any package in automatic mode without the need to input test parameters. However, its sophisticated nature is combined with a manual mode that lets the user input parameters such as ramp rate control and back pressure drop sensitivity. This allows testing of special configurations or types of packages or perform specific research and data-gathering activities.

  • United Testing Systems – Test Frame – DFM 150kN

    United’s DFM-150kN test frame is ideal for testing samples up to 150 kN. (33,700 lbf.). From basic tension and compression testing to advanced materials testing the DFM-150kN is a versatile test system used across virtually all ...

    United’s DFM-150kN test frame is ideal for testing samples up to 150 kN. (33,700 lbf.). From basic tension and compression testing to advanced materials testing the DFM-150kN is a versatile test system used across virtually all industries.

    Floor model systems are designed to sit on lab or production floors due to their increased size and weight. We offer both servo-electric floor model systems and servo-hydraulic floor model systems. For information on our servo-hydraulic systems, please return to the product menu and select one of the DHFM systems.